
Deciding you need a little extra help in your performance routine isn't always the easiest so first and foremost: Welcome! Even if you are just browsing the website that is a step in the right direction.  EMCo recognizes the strength it takes to try something new and share your hardships with a stranger. We don't take that responsibility lightly.  Before ever having a formal consultation, EMCo will speak to new clients on the phone, free of charge, to get a better understanding of what they are hoping to gain from this experience and figure out what path is right for them.  

After your phone call you will be sent a couple forms that should be filled out prior to our first formal meeting.  Please fill out the New Clients Form and Informed Consent and email it to us before your visit.

Have any questions?
Use this form to get in touch.

Please also print and review the Informed Consent linked below. Then email back to consulting@enhancedmindset.com or bring in to your first session